outside scholarships

Each year students who enroll at the college are awarded thousands of dollars in outside scholarships. Here are a few of the places you might want to consider investigating scholarship opportunities:

Contacting your high school guidance office is one of the best sources for scholarship opportunities. Ask your guidance counselor for a list of available scholarships for which you might be eligible.

You or your parents’ place of work. There are many companies that provide scholarship opportunities to their employees or their dependents. Make sure you check with the Human Resource (HR) office for these opportunities.

Your church. Many of our students discover that their local church is willing to help finance a Bible college education.

Local social organizations. Elks Clubs, Rotary Clubs, and Daughters of the American Revolution are all organizations that provide scholarship opportunities. Your high school guidance counselor’s office should keep a record of these opportunities and their application deadlines.

Philanthropic and business organizations. There are hundreds of organizations that provide scholarship opportunities which support specific majors or programs of studies. There are several that support Biblical studies or ministry preparation.

If you are a Nebraska resident, the EducationQuest organization is a service that helps you target scholarship services and provides support to families through the financial aid process. They are a great organization and look forward to working with you in your search for college resources.

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